Phosphorescent Face Highlighter
Phosphorescent Face Highlighter is a limited edition letterpress publication documenting the transformational experience in all its forms. By bringing together in one volume the wisdom of Adolf Loos, The Landmark Forum, Weight Watchers, Le Courbusier, Alcoholics Anonymous, Oil of Olay and Dale Carnegie, among others, Phosphorescent Face Highlighter will help you to lose weight, realize your potential, quit drinking, heal your relationships, design new contexts and paradigms, hide those tiny lines and wrinkles, build the city of the future, move beyond the tired aesthetics of the past, and much, much more.
Printed and hand bound in a limited edition of 45; bound in cloth over boards, text and image letterpress printed on a Vandercook Uni III from linoleum blocks and handset metal type.
Copies are available; contact me for info