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It’s too hot to blog, it’s too hot to think, I ran 11 miles this morning and have been in a dehydrated daze ever since. Can you imagine anything worse than being glued to someone with fur in August?

The evolutionary usefulness of shyness.

So far this weekend: I taught some of our volunteers on Saturday about the joy and wonder of handset type. Letterpress is all about controlling chaos, I explained, demonstrating how to keep small pieces of metal from flying into the air.

Tonight I ate dinner alone and came home to read this here. Huzzah!

Three thoughts.

Category : Uncategorized

1. I’d like to start printing an informational pamphlet this weekend.

2. I’ve had enough of sleet

3. This morning, a man in broken sunglasses on the subway platform asked me, “How long would it take you to tell a man you were seeing how old you were?”.


Category : Uncategorized

I have an exciting experiment  in mind for the next two weeks, as well as resting and movie watching. I’m feeling on top of things now that all of my type is distributed. Untangling loose ends, relaxation and a new project are the things to look forward to; the holidays are not, in fact, my favorite time of year, but I’m going to make an effort to enjoy myself this time around.

Not ready

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For cold. I rehearsed for this on vacation, and I didn’t enjoy it then.

This is what french birds look like when their fountains freeze over.

This is the fancy china they eat their fruit off of. Note the edge gilding!

Here’s to 33 degrees!

Going South

Category : Uncategorized

Fall is a like one big marathon. Highlights include:

-Staten Island half marathon completed without injury! (Staten Island is pretty! And flat!)

-two, count ’em, two public speaking events completed, without major mishap and without me vomiting on my shoes or passing out, or blanking out entirely. The panel I organized last weekend at the APHA letterpress conference was well-received. And we got to go first, which meant we could relax and enjoy the rest of the conference afterwards. (Pretty pictures are from the Book Arts Studio at the Corcoran, which hosted APHA.

-New prints online through Cannonball Press! Yowza! Thanks guys!

-new fall scarf in progress

-new weasel pamphlet in progress

Major downsides may be lurking in the background; however, vacation (to paris!) is looming in the distance, which makes all the difference. I’ve been listening to french news podcasts for weeks to bone up. Hopefully France won’t implode before I visit.


Category : Uncategorized

I’m looking forward to a hectic fall, including:

* four (FOUR!) conferences and fairs

* which includes two (TWO!)  Public Speaking Events

* an exhibition

* a vacation (VACATION!) to Paris in November

* the usual hullabaloo at work: three exhibitions, three artist talks, four poetry readings, three or four visiting artists, welcoming new scholarship students, choosing new resident artists, three professional development workshops, a holiday fundraising/member event, classes, workshops, meetings, etc…

* and the UNusual hullabaloo at work: training two new employees

I’m laying low in the meantime, getting my ducks in a row, laying in provisions, preparing to duck and cover, planning to finish the two blocks I’m in the middle of carving before the craziness hits. I’m looking forward to the end of the year lull already.
