Multiple, Limited, Unique

Category : book arts events

There’s hammering and shouting in the background as I type this! Interns and staff are frantically installing summer exhibitions here at work. More books (and other things) are on display at the Center for Book Arts starting tomorrow night than you can shake a stick at.  My book The McGinley Paper Company Sample Book of Faults will be on display in Multiple, Limited, Unique: Selections from the Permanent Collection of the Center for Book Arts, which literally stars a cast of thousands and is opening at the Center tomorrow night, running through September 10th. The show then travels through 2013.
The NY details are:
July 6th- September 10th, 2011
@ The Center for Book Arts
28 West 27th Street, Third Floor
Opening Reception, July 6th from 7 to 9pm

Traveling Details:
Savannah College of Arts and Design (Fall 2011)
Minnesota Center for Book Arts (Winter 2012)
Museum of Printing History (Spring/Summer 2012)
Lafayette College (Fall 2012),
and the Book Club of California (Winter 2013)

More info about the show is here.

Also on view and opening tomorrow: Another show with many many artists in it! At the same time!

(We’re using the expandable gallery for this one, kids.)

The Un(framed) Photograph: Artist Members Annual Exhibition

July 6, 2011 – September 10, 2011

Focusing on how the art of photography, the photographic process, and related media such as video stills are used to convey content, form, text, and image within a broader context of book arts practices.

Come to the opening! There’s going to be friendly faces, tasty snacks, Alex’s Famous Mystery Punch, and me, huddled in the corner suffering from a panic attack brought on by altogether too large a crowd. Just Kidding! I’ll probably tend bar so as to have a safe space between me and the teeming hordes. Come! Free wine and cheese!

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